Catégorie : New Tech
Drones for good. Switzerland begins postal delivery by drone
ALPS. Swiss postal service says tests will run until the end of July although the
Read MoreEnvironment. This Tower Purifies a Million Cubic Feet of Air an Hour
THERE’S A MASSIVE vacuum cleaner in the middle of a Rotterdam park and it’s sucking all
Read MoreNewTech. Google’s new Advanced Technology and Projects group efforts aim to make wearables that are kind of like touch screens.
WEARING. Google is trying its hand at manufacturing high-tech fabrics and wearable electronics that you
Read MoreMedia. End of the road for journalists? Tencent’s Robot reporter ‘Dreamwriter’ churns out perfect 1,000-word news story – in 60 seconds
READABLE. Chinese social and gaming giant Tencent published its first business report written by a
Read MoreNewTech. Dont blink. The magic happens in (nano) seconds
BE HAPPY. The new ZINK® Printing Technology — short for Zero Ink® — represents a true
Read MoreNewTech. If Our Eyes Could See Wireless Signals, Here’s How Our World Might Look
AROUND US. Our lives today depend largely on systems and infrastructure that is invisible—a hidden
Read MoreArmes létales. Peut-on interdire les robots tueurs ?
SANS CHAUFFEUR. Avant même l’appel à l’interdiction des armes létales autonomes lancé cet été,
Read MoreNewTech. La batterie de cet iPhone 6 fonctionne pendant une semaine grâce à une pile à combustible
TECHNO – Et si votre smartphone carburait à l’hydrogène? C’est le pari osé d’Intelligent Energy
Read MoreAfrique. Réception officielle du 3ème bus électrique offert par Bolloré Africa Logistics à l’Université de Yaoundé 1.
BLUEBUS. Bolloré Africa Logistics, leader de la logistique intégrée au Cameroun, et initiateur de la
Read MoreNewTech. Viktor is a drawing machine created by artist and designer Jürg Lehni in collaboration with German electronics developer Defekt.
BLACK SCREEN. It looks something like an Etch-a-Sketch built by SkyNet, but it’s much more than
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