Ukraine conference in Switzerland: diplomacy against a historic backdrop

HUCH HUCH The Bürgenstock hotel complex overlooking Lake Lucerne, where the Ukraine peace conference will take place

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Athènes jadis, Israël aujourd’hui

ATHINA L’historien grec Thucydide rapporte dans son œuvre, consacrée aux guerres du Péloponnèse (431-404 av.

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Tenzer strategics. How does the Russo-Ukrainian War end?

At first, no one could imagine that the Russo-Ukrainian war could begin. And yet it

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“Sadom,” “Gomora,” and “modern Ukraine”.

Russia will train psychology students in “spiritual security” and countering Western influence The Russian authorities’

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Julian Assange est t’il un journaliste?

EXTRADITION NEXT WEEK ? Julian Assange est souvent décrit comme un activiste, un éditeur et

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The F-35s are meant for reliable allies

FACTS Geopolitics is not static. It includes variations in partnerships and alliances, as well as

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Laura Poitras : « Nous vivons vraiment des temps effrayants »

VISION DE LA REALITE La cinéaste Laura Poitras, autrice d’une trilogie documentaire post-11-Septembre conclue par

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National Security Advisers Meet in Davos to Advance Blueprint for Peace in Ukraine

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 14 January 2024 – Top Ukrainian officials together with Switzerland’s foreign minister presented the

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Année charnière. Henry Kissinger, l’odieux prix Nobel de la paix 1973

REALPOLITIK L’attribution du prix à l’ex-secrétaire d’État américain avait fait scandale. Pourtant, lors de sa

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