Design. This weird 3-D printed brick can cool your house

BEFORE THERE WERE electric fans or central air conditioning, there was evaporation. For centuries, people living

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Solar Impulse Plane Makes Its First Round-the-World Layover

HERE COME THE SUN. Monday March 9 2015. Abu Dhabi. The Solar Impulse 2 airplane

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NewTech. Solar Impulse ouvre la voie à l’écologie du futur

VOYAGE, VOYAGE. Polluer ne coûte pas cher. Fabriquer un avion écologique capable de voler vingt-quatre heures

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World. Why Governments are Terrified of Hobbyist Drones

HOBBY. If you want to understand why the government freaked out when a $400 remote-controlled

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NewTech. App Now Available in India

GOOD VIBRATION. About a year and a half ago, in August 2013  Mark Zukerberg founder

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NewTech. Spies Can Track You Just by Watching Your Phone’s Power Use

TRACKING. Smartphone users might balk at letting a random app like Candy Crush or Shazam

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NewTech. New police radars can ‘see’ inside homes

SENSOR. At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar

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NewTech. Microsoft abolit la barrière de la langue avec Skype Translator

THE TELEPHONE IS RINGING. Nos enfants vont-ils pouvoir se passer d’apprendre des langues étrangères ?

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Science. 28 Months on Mars.

OUTERSPACE. NASA’s Curiosity rover has explored Gale Crater for 833 Martian days, or Sols. And

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NewTech. Soloshot automated actioncam tripod tracks your biggest moves

SOLO. Ever since technology made video cameras small and light enough to wear comfortably on

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