NewTech. Finally: Scientists come up with pass codes you can’t forget.

NewTech. July 2014. Imagine a whole new type of password — one that lets you

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Internet. The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Myths, Debunked.

Security. July 6, 2014.  “A domain for the nerds.” That is how the Internet used

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NewTech. Just press go: designing a self-driving vehicle.

NewTech. May 27, 2014. Ever since we started the Google self-driving car project, we’ve been working

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New Tech. Robots contre journalistes : qui gagnera la guerre de l’information ?

Science. Les algorithmes qui mettent en scène l’information, voire la produisent à partir de données

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Multimédia: Hackathon au Cern, Au delà des Frontières.

Festival. Genève, le 22 mars.2014. Le Hackathon (du mot hacker et marathon) « Story Matter » qui

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Can hidden information in photographs be used to spot criminals?

Science. 28 December 2013. Can the eyes of photographed crime victims help authorities spot their

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5 « gentils » drones.

NewTech. Décembre 2013. Le mot drone évoque encore trop souvent des bombardements et la surveillance

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NewTech: Ora-s© Digital Eyerwear Platform.

NewTech. Geneva, 12 December 2013. ORA, a wearable computer similar to Google Glass, was showcased

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