Photography. A female photographer has elevated dick pics to an art form.
DICKIESoraya Doolbaz is an Iranian-Canadian photographer based in New York, whose gallery focuses exclusively on photographs of penises. The New York Post recently produced a video that focuses on the photoshoot, from the undressing, to the « fluffing, » to the costuming.
« My project is called Dicture Gallery and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Dick Pictures, » she writes on her website, « But these aren’t just your regular dick pics. These are dick pics with a twist! It’s an artistic take on an otherwise alluring modern dating tactic. »

The twist? Doolbaz uses doll costumes to dress up the penises as characters like « Dicki Minaj » and « Benito Mussoweenie. » As for her inspiration, she once stumbled upon dolls at Walmart, and, « I put two and two together and thought that I could make a personality out of penises. »

Doolbaz uses models for her masterpieces, and requests that they arrive with a partner. As she told Cosmopolitan, « [i]t’s necessary for the model to have a partner to assist with the shoot to help with costume changes and, of course, erection maintenance. »

It’s now a full-blown (hehe) business with an app, and she displayed her pics at Art Basel, where prints sold for $10,000 each. 

« It’s surprising and very delightful that people like dick on things, » she told the Post. Who would have thought?

The video is quite cockamamie, and of course, quite NSFW.