Mois : novembre 2016
Humanitarian. Une nouvelle récompense pour le Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
RECOMPENSE. Mardi 22 novembre s’est tenue à Budapest la cérémonie du F@IMP 2.0 (Festival of
Read MoreMiddle East. Drapeaux blancs et youyous dans les quartiers libérés de Mossoul
QUARTIER. « Les habitants nous accueillent avec des youyous et des sucreries, mais la moitié de
Read MoreScience. How Humans Can Force the Machines to Play Fair
THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE can be as remote and abstract as pure mathematics, but new research often
Read MoreMovies. Martin Scorsese Makes a List of 85 Films Every Aspiring Filmmaker Needs to See
FILMS Before the rise of institutional film schools -ensconced in university walls with all the formality
Read MoreSupport Independant Investigative Journalist
THE MEDIA. In the wake of Tuesday’s US presidential election, a lot has been said
Read MoreWhat would a recreational marijuana market in California look like?
GROOVY. Cannabis will be taxed more than tobacco, marketed like wine, funded like the riskiest
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