Thaffar Hashem is a battle-hardened warrior, who has fought jihadists under the cover of American and allied jets. His ambition is to visit Britain – and in particular Glasgow, a place of which he has heard only good things.
But he acknowledges that he is unlikely to be allowed to go any time soon: Mr Hashem is an active member of a proscribed terrorist organisation.
A dentist in civilian life, Mr Hashem is a volunteer fighter in the Iraqi "Kata'ib Hizbollah" – the Hizbollah Battalion – an Iranian-backed Shia militia heavily engaged in the struggle against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
His profession makes him particularly useful: he has become, he says, a practised if unqualified facial surgeon from patching up battlefield wounds.
The Hizbollah Battalion has two claims to military fame: its battles in the war against Isil – and its constant attacks on American and British forces after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Thaffar Hashem is volunteer fighter in the Iraqi "Kata'ib Hizbollah" – the Hizbollah Battalion
Now Britain and the United States find themselves, through gritted teeth, on the same side as the Hizbollah Battalion in their common campaign against Isil.
This is the new world order of what some have dubbed the West's "frenemies", forged by the imperative of resisting Isil's advance.
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In the shifting geopolitics of the Middle East, it is impossible to find anyone who is permanently on the same side as the West. Britain and France stood with Qatar to help the same militias topple Col Muammar Gaddafi in Libya four years ago, but then watched horrified as Qatar continued to back Islamists who fought against a new government which the Western powers – and the United Nations – recognised as legitimate.
Today, the Gulf nation hosts both former Taliban inmates of Guantánamo Bay and the regional headquarters of US Central Command.
Syria is another example: hardline Islamist groups, receiving Qatari money, fight alongside Jabhat al-Nusra, an arm of al-Qaeda. The group has previously attacked America and Saudi Arabia – the very countries that have supplied other rebels in the alliance against the Assad regime.
Babylon hotel after a car bomb ripped through the parking lot
Mr Hashem is the face of the other side of the "frenemy" coin – the battles fought by his Shia militia against Isil show America's growing co-operation with Iran, a country on which it continues to impose sanctions and still lists as a state-sponsor of terrorism, precisely because of Tehran's backing for groups like the Hizbollah Battalion. Yet in Iraq, they are all on the same side against Isil.
Mr Hashem chose to be interviewed in Baghdad's Babylon Hotel, a few hours before it was struck by an Isil car bomb. He gave a unique insight into the nature of America's "non-co-ordinated co-operation" with Iran.
"We were besieged for 70 days until we taught Isil a lesson they will never forget," he said. "The missiles we were shooting were Iranian, the ammunition, every bullet was Iranian, everything we used was Iranian."
But the support from the air was decidedly American. As this battle for control of the town of Amerli reached a crucial stage last year, the US carried out at least three strikes on Isil positions near where Mr Hashem was fighting, aiding the arrival of a relief force consisting largely of other Shia militias.
This incident also brought Mr Hashem face-to-face with Gen Qassem Soleimani, whom he regards as a hero. The general is the commander of the Al-Quds Force, the special forces arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. His unit is taking a leading role in helping Shia fighters in sectarian wars – not only in Iraq, but also in Yemen and Syria.
"No one gives us support that is unconditional, apart from Iran and in particular Qassem Soleimani," said Mr Hashem.
For years, Gen Soleimani helped to organise attacks on US forces in Iraq. America blamed him and his lieutenants for turning the Hizbollah Battalion and other Shia militias into formidable enemies. In particular, the US believes that the Hizbollah Battalion was created by its Lebanese namesake and pioneered the use of roadside bombs, which killed hundreds of American and British troops in Iraq.
Mr Hashem claims that he only joined the group after becoming disillusioned with the allied invasion of 2003 – something he originally welcomed, he said, because he believed it would "get rid of Saddam Hussein and bring in paradise".
That was in the past, and it could be argued that as alliances shift, it is only reasonable for former enemies to make friends against a new one.
But that ignores both wider and local politics. The Hizbollah Battalion is fighting alongside its more famous namesake in Syria, where it is trying to prop up Bashar al-Assad – whom America and Britain are officially committed to bringing down.
The US and Britain are also committed to a non-sectarian future for Iraq, with a stake for the Sunni minority – a goal that the rise of Shia militias such as the Hizbollah Battalion is unlikely to further.
Last week, Mr Hashem took part in a minor victory in a village north-east of Ramadi, which has fallen into Isil's hands. He filmed 200 captives being led away into the desert – Isil fighters, mostly foreign, he said. Sunni activists say they were civilians.
He conducted medical checks on the men "for disease". He said he did not know what happened to them afterwards, but when asked if the prisoners would be kept safe, he paused.
"Are you married?" he asked. "If, God forbid, Isil killed one of your children or raped your wife, what would you do?"
Mr Hashem is, in any case, dismissive of the rights of civilians encountered in the reconquest of Isil-held territory. "Most of the people in Ramadi who hate Isil have already left," he said.
"There are millions of refugees. The ones who are left are supporters – we have seen them clapping Isil on their videos."
The Western coalition refuses to fight on the ground, determined to force Iraq to win its own war against Isil, on the basis that Iraqis will only defend a victory that they themselves have achieved. But that leaves Mr Hashem and his comrades to bear the brunt of the struggle.
Thaffar Hashem posing with captured Isil flag
By keeping air strikes to a minimum, moreover, America and its allies risk the accusation that they are letting Isil win. The number of US air strikes in this war is a fraction of those carried out during the original invasion of Iraq 12 years ago.
There is an obvious explanation for this: when you are trying to occupy an entire country and cripple its armed forces, there will inevitably be more targets to bomb.
But Mr Hashem suspects – like many Iraqis – that America and Britain are somehow involved in a conspiracy to keep Isil powerful, for a variety of reasons. He urged them to openly back groups like his.
"They should be praising and glorifying us for our battle against these human monsters," he said.
He certainly has little concern about allying with his own former enemies. Mr Hashem is personally in favour of Britain, explaining his preference for Glasgow because that was where his dentistry teachers trained – and they "couldn't speak highly enough" of the place.
But, at the end of the day, he does not care who is on his side. "We are grateful to anyone who helps us and provides weapons – even if it is Satan."