Thursday 02 April 2020


SNP announces indefinite fracking ban in Scotland

Fergus Ewing, the Scottish Energy Minister, intensifies the Nationalists' general election battle with Labour over which party is offering the greatest restrictions on fracking.

SNP ministers have banned fracking in Scotland
SNP ministers have banned fracking in Scotland Photo: EPA

SNP ministers have announced an indefinite ban on fracking in Scotland as they intensified their general election battle with Labour over which party is promising the greatest restrictions on the controversial practice.

Fergus Ewing, the Scottish Energy Minister, declared a moratorium on granting planning permission for “unconventional” oil and gas projects that blocked all schemes north of the Border under development.

In a statement to MSPs, he said the ban would last however long it took to carry out a full public consultation on the extraction of shale gas and research into its impact on the environment and public health.

But the Tories and Liberal Democrats said Mr Ewing and Labour were indulging in “political posturing” over who could be seen to be most hostile to fracking ahead of the general election, regardless of the damage to the Scottish economy.

An expert group commissioned by Scottish ministers reported last year there were no significant technological barriers to the development of an unconventional hydrocarbon industry and that it could be extracted safely.

Mr Ewing’s announcement came only days after Jim Murphy, the Scottish Labour leader, said he would use new powers coming to Holyrood to ban fracking.

Labour also forced the Government to agree 12 new restrictions in a Commons vote earlier this week but, unlike the SNP, a majority of its MPs refused to back proposals for a UK-wide moratorium.

Ineos, the owners of the loss-making Grangemouth petrochemical plant, have unveiled £640 million plans to use fracking to propel it “back into the premier league of energy” after it nearly closed down in 2013.

The Swiss – based company has two licences covering 120,000 acres nearby but cannot now proceed with the development. Last night a spokesman welcomed the chance to provide “detailed information and expertise” as part of the public consultation.

The UK Government has agreed to devolve control over fracking licences to Scotland but SNP ministers already have control over the planning process.

Mr Ewing said he had contacted all the country’s local authorities making clear they should not consider an application for an unconventional oil or gas development.

After outlining plans for a public consultation and further research, he said: "This moratorium will continue until such time as the work I've referred to today has been completed.

“This Scottish Government has taken a responsible, cautious and evidence-based approach to unconventional oil and gas extraction and my statement today sends the strongest possible message that we will continue to do so.”

Mr Ewing insisted SNP ministers were not closing “our minds to the potential opportunities of new technologies” but attacked the UK Government’s “gung-ho” attitude, claiming that the Coalition was willing to see fracking “anytime, any place, anywhere.”

He dismissed Labour calls for a local referendum to be staged wherever there were proposals for fracking but said the Scottish Environment Protection Agency would be tightening environmental regulations.

But Murdo Fraser, said Mr Ewing was desperately trying not to be outflanked by Labour, adding: "It must be a source of much regret that so much of this debate must be characterised by political posturing rather than being evidence-led and science-based, and that the Scottish Government would rather play politics than take decisions in the best interests of the Scottish economy.”

He warned that cutting off a domestic supply of shale gas to Grangemouth jeopardises jobs and means the plant will have to continue importing shale gas from the US.

A spokesman for Shale Gas Europe, the industry body, said: “Any delay will only exacerbate existing speculation about its impact and the potential benefits in terms of new jobs and investment.”

United Kingdom Onshore Oil and Gas welcomed the “opportunity to present the facts to the Scottish people” and noted that without change Scotland could be importing three-quarters of its gas from “less stable countries” by 2020.

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